Salvem Parcent, Save Parcent

Parcent is a small village in the Valencian region of Spain. Its existence is threatened by plans to build thousands of houses on its hillsides, increasing the population threefold and changing the character of the village forever. This blog aims to tell the world about whats happening to our village and ask people to join us in our fight to protect Parcent.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


'Veïns de Parcent' gave a warm welcome to the
delegation from the Petitions Committee of the
European Parliament. The group led by
President Marcin Libicki, joined by Vice President
Michael Cashman and David Lowe, head of
Secretariat, arrived in Parcent on the afternoon
of thursday 1st March. They were accompanied
by David Hammerstein MEP who travelled
as an observer, various assistents and interpreters.
They were met by a group from 'Veïns de Parcent',
carrying large photomontages of the effects the
building of the PAIs will have on the mountainside.
After showing the MEPS the area to be built on and
demonstrating the beauty of the landscape, the
delegation walked into the village where they
were met by a large crowd wearing 'soc de poble'
tshirts and a spontaneous applause.
After walking up through the village adorned with
'Salvem Parcent' banners, the delegation held a
meeting with 'Veïns de Parcent' where after a
short speech the floor was given to members of
the public to speak. We heard a number of very
moving comments from people who will be
affected by the PAIs, all of whom feared for their
loss of identity, in addtion to the loss of their
lands and their environment. Michael Cashman
summed up the position of the MEPS assuring the
crowd, which numbered 160, that the Petitions
Committee had taken their comments very seriously
and promised to investigate and do all they can
for the people.
The delegation then had a meeting with the Town
Council, which also included representatives of
the builders involved in each of the three PAI.
After presentations which the press remarked left
the Town Hall looking like an estate agents, Michael
Cashman directed a question at the Mayoress, asking
how many houses were to be built and what would
be the increase in population. According to press
reports the Mayoress appeared flustered and left
it to a representative of the construction company to
reply for her, stating that the 1500 houses of PAI
'El Repla' represented a population increase of
4,500. Michael Cashman's comment was that this
appeared unsustainable for a present population of
just 1000.
As the delegation left the Town Hall they were
met with a display of umbrellas from the waiting
crowd, a symoblic gesture recalling the fateful
night when we were left outside in the torrential
rain whilst the Town Hall voted for the PAIs.
The visit has been covered by national and Catalan
television, with reports from Parcent going out
three nights running. We have also had widespread
press coverage in Spanish and local English press.
'Veïns de Parcent' would like to thank the delegation
from the Petitions Committee for their visit to
Parcent. We have been encouraged and heartened
by their visit and hope that the investigation and
subsequent report into our petition will help to
bring about the scrapping of the PAIs and the
draft general plan that includes them, allowing
Parcent to start again to plan for a future that
allows the village to grow whilst retaining it's
emblamatic and beautiful mountainsides.
We would also like to thank our friend and
neighbour for so kindly letting us use her house
for the meeting and for those who donated cakes
and refreshments .

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


A delegation from the Petition's Committee
of the European Parliament is to visit
Parcent on March 1st. The visit to Parcent
and 9 other villages in Alicante Province
was proposed during the debate of our
petition in the Petition's Committee last
The delegation, which aims to investigate
the current situation of abuses of urban
planning legislation and breaches of European
laws, is headed by the President of the
Committee, Mr Marcin Libicki. He is
accompanied by British Labour MEP, Michael
Cashman, Vice President of the Petition's Committee.
They will be arriving in Parcent on the afternoon
of thursday March 1st and will be met by 'Veïns
de Parcent' by the Cooperativa building
after 4.30 pm, after which we will host a meeting
for the delegation to talk with petitioners,
allowing people to explain their worries and
complaints about the three PAIs which were
provisionally approved by Parcent Town Hall
on 30th January 2006.
The MEPs will then attend a meeting with the
Town Hall after which they will head for Benissa
where a public meeting is to be held in the
Sede Universitaria building, Calle Purissima 57/59
from 7pm till 9pm.
We invite all members of 'Veïns de Parcent' and
all interested in the problems of urban planning
in Valencia and in particular Parcent to
meet us at the Cooperativa Building and
attend our meeting with the MEPS to
demonstrate our oppostion to the Town Hall's
plans and our thanks to the Petition's Committee
of the EU for coming to Parcent to investigate our

Monday, February 26, 2007


Veïns de Parcent held a press conference on
friday 2nd February to announce the report
issued by the Defensor de Pueblo, the national
Ombudsman based in Madrid, into the
petition presented by our association and
backed with 1700 signatures.
The Defensor de Pueblo confirmed both the
findings and the resolution adopted in November
by the Valencian Ombudsman (Sindica de Grueges)
stating again that the three PAI provisionally approved
by Parcent Town Hall should be suspended due to
the lack of a favourable water report from the
Confederación Hidrografica de Jucar. The report
also confirmed that neither the Town Hall or the
Mancomunidad de Regentes (the local water board)
has the authority to give this guarantee and backs
the Sindicas suprise that the Town Hall were
happy to approve the PAI without such a report.
This advice is not only given to Parcent Town Hall but also
Conselleria de Territorio who are charged with
examing the plans for approval. We thus wait for
the response of the Town Hall and Conselleria to
this new rejection of the PAI by a state institution.
However as neither the Town Hall or Conselleria

have responded to the original Sindic de Greuges
report issued in November, with a deadline of
30-1-2007, we have little faith that they will take
any notice of this new backing for the petition of
Veïns de Parcent. We once again urge Parcent
Town Hall to listen, not only to the people of Parcent
but to the Sindic de Greuges, the Defensor del Pueblo,
the TSJCV and the European Union.


200 people join Veïns de Parcent
to remember the night of30.1.2006 when
Parcent Town Hall voted to provisionally
approve the three PAI.

Fortunately the weather was not quite so
ferocious as a year ago but the umbrellas
remained up as a symbolic protest at how
we were shut out of the Town Hall in torrential
rain on the night of 30.1.2006

The demonstration was attended by over 200
people, a great turnout for a cold wet night.
We once again walked the streets of Parcent, this
time stopping to read out the notice of what the
Town Hall have failed to inform it's citizens.
Namely the judgements of the Sindic de Greuges,
recommending the suspension of the processing
of all three PAI due to the lack of a favourable
water report from the competent water authority
and the two autos from the TSJCV, Doctine of Parcent
suspending the PAI 'El Repla'.
We then returned to the plaza to find the tomb
of Parcent surrounded by candles and vultures and
after laying the flag of SALVEM PARCENT, the date
of death was revealed to be ?????? and the vultures
kicked away. We afirm there is life yet in our village,
our fight is gaining momentum and there is hope
that we may yet save our village from the threat
of massive urbanisation.

The evening ended with our stoical and faithful
supporters braving the cold to listen to the tape
of our petition hearing in Brussels. All were very
interested to hear the intervention of the Mayoress
of Parcent and the clear response from the Euro
MPs present in the Committee. A very different
story from the one painted by the Mayoress in
the press on her return from Brussels!!!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Parcent se’n recorda.

El 30 de gener del 2006 fou la data de l’aprovació provisional dels desastrosos PAI i de l’emmascarament amb el concert previ. Ha plogut molt des d’aleshores, però algunes coses no s’han fet públiques com cal.
Per això, “Veïns de Parcent”, siga quin siga l’oratge, farà públic allò que no ha explicat l’Ajuntament.

Dimarts 30 de gener 2007
19:30 hores
a la plaça del poble

: escoltarem el debat complet al Parlament Europeu (en castellà)

: ens MANIFESTAREM recorreguent els carrers explicant en un bàndol les
dues “doctrines Parcent” i la resolució de la Síndica

No faltes i no t’oblides del paraigües, tan si plou com si no
Parcent remembers.

On the 30th of January 2006 the disastrous Pais were provisionally approved, along with the concierto previo which masks them. It has rained a lot since then but there are still things that have not properly been made public.
So, whatever the weather, Veïns de Parcent will tell you what the Town Hall has kept quiet.
Tuesday 30th January 2007
in the village square

: we will listen to the complete debate of our petition in the European Parliament
: we will demonstrate, explaining publicy the two “doctrinas Parcent” and the report from the Ombudsmen.
Do not miss it and bring your umbrella, come rain or shine!
Parcent se acuerda.

El 30 de enero de 2006 fue la fecha de la aprobación provisional de los desastrosos PAI y del enmascaramiento con el concierto previo. Ha llovido mucho desde entonces, pero hay cosas que no se han hecho públicas debidamente.
Por eso, “Veïns de Parcent”, sea cual sea la meteorología, hará público aquello que no ha explicado el Ayuntamiento.

Martes 30 de enero 2007
19:30 horas
en la plaza del pueblo

: escucharemos íntegro el debate del Parlamento Europeo (en castellano)
: nos MANIFESTAREMOS recorriendo las calles explicando en un bando
las dos “doctrinas Parcent” y la resolución de la Síndica

No faltes y no te olvides del paraguas, llueva o no


La ministra Cristina Narbona anima a
Veïns de Parcent a continuar su oposición
a los PAI

After visiting the offices of Ballester
Veïns de Parcent hurried to the Benidorm
water purifying plant where the Environment
Minister , Cristina Narbona was opening a
new installation. We were delighted when her
representative invited two of our members
to meet the Minister. She confirmed
immediately that she was aware of the case
of Parcent, commenting that the recent Tribunal
judgements in Valencia were changing things.
She encouraged us to continue in our fight to
overturn the three PAI and the concierto previo
in which they are masked, adding that such
social action has resulted in many Town Halls
withdrawing unsustainable and unpopular plans.
We informed the Minister that we thought this
was unlikley in the case of Parcent as unfortunately
our Town Hall neither listens to the continual
oppostion of it's citizens, nor the Ombudsmen who
has recommended the withdrawel of the plans for
lack of a favourable water report from the CHJ,
nor the TSJCV who have twice provisionally suspended
the PAI 'El Repla' , nor the European Parliament who
are due to visit Parcent shortly to investigate the
breaches of European legislation and the action of
the Town Hall in approving the PAI on the last
night of the already discredited law LRAU.
We hope Parcent Town Hall will take the Minister's
good advice and withdraw the PAI and the concierto
previo, as has been the case in other municipalities.
Juan Nieto, Las Provincias
El colectivo Veïns de Parcent se ha propuesto llegar a donde sea necesario con el objetivo de que el equipo de gobierno del PP, que lidera la alcaldesa Mari Carmen López, paralice los tres polémicos PAI y el concierto previo de Parcent. De este modo, se desplazaron ayer hasta la ciudad de Benidorm con el objetivo de reunirse con los representantes de la empresa Ballester, relacionada con Terres de l’Horta SL, mercantil que construirá el PAI de El Replà. Lo que iba a ser un encuentro con los representantes de la constructora, cambio de sentido al comprobar que la ministra de Medio Ambiente, Cristina Narbona se encontraba de visita en Benidorm. Sin pensárselo dos veces, los miembros de esta agrupación vecinal, se fueron en busca de Narbona con el objetivo de transmitirle la situación urbanística que está atravesando esta localidad del interior de la Marina Alta. El portavoz de la plataforma, Joan Carles Poquet, explicó que la ministra ‘‘recordaba el anterior encuentro que ocurrió en el Parlamento Europeo en Bruselas los últimos 27 y 28 de junio”. Según contó Poquet, la titular de Medio Ambiente subrayó la “importancia de los nuevos pronunciamientos del Tribunal Superior de Justicia” de la Comunitat Valenciana (TSJ) en materia urbanística, concluyendo que “muchas cosas están cambiando”. Narbona añadió, según Veïns de Parcent, que “desde su Ministerio no se puede hacer mucho, pues prácticamente no tiene competencias en este tema particular nuestro, pero sí ha reiterado su preocupación y su apoyo”. Respecto a la reunión con el grupo Ballester, Poquet comentó que “el objetivo era entrevistarse con el presidente, señor Andrés Ballester quien, según Orlando Torregrosa, director adjunto y asesor de prensa, no estaba presente”. Por parte de la propia inmobiliaria propuso una entrevista para la semana que viene una vez concertadas las agendas. Desde la asociación entregaron al asesor de prensa un pliego de las noticias que han aparecido a lo largo de este año de protesta del colectivo vecinal, además de la documentación gráfica, que, según la empresa ‘‘estudiaremos debidamente’’. La mercantil aclaró que el proyecto no implica recalificación de terreno, pues ya es urbanizable.


Veïns de Parcent travelled to Benidorm
to demonstrate outside the offices
of Ballester, the promoter of the largest
of the three PAIs threatening Parcent.
After a concentration which attracted
the attention and support of many passers by
two representatives of our association
asked to speak to President, Andres Ballester.
We were received by the head of communications,
Orlando Torregrosa who regretted that Señor
Ballester was not present but offered to arrange
a meeting for Veïns de Parcent with the Directors
of Ballester, in early February. He also accepted
a bulging file of press cuttings of the over 400
press reports our activities have received over
the last year. We pointed out to Señor Torregrosa
that such bad publicity was not helpful for
his company. We also delivered a letter asking
Ballester to officially withdrawthe PAI 'El Repla'
on the grounds that it has report from the Ombudsmen
recommending it's supsension due to lack of
a favourable water report from the CHJ, the two
Tribual rulings provisionally suspending the
project and the possibility of action from the
European Parliament over breach of EU legislation.
We further asked for assurances that the 201,ooo
euros Ballester have handed to the Town Hall will
not be returnable, should the PAI be withdrawn
or suspended, by whatever body.
We await their response.
We would like to thank Señor Alfred Botella,
Diputado in the Cortes Valencianas for the
EU-Els Verds, L'Entesa for accompanying
us to this demonstration and for his continual
support in the Valencian Parliament.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Queridos Reyes Magos:

Este año hemos sido muy buenos ciudadanos. Siempre nos han dicho que hay que rebelarse contra las injusticias y hacerlo de manera constructiva, que la democracia es participativa y que hay muchas maneras cívicas de participar. Y así lo hemos hecho. Os lo explicamos. El equipo de gobierno de nuestro consistorio no sólo empezó el año imponiéndonos 1.800 nuevas casas entre 3 PAI, sino que además, amplió la barbaridad en su concierto previo, el cual pretende multiplicar la población por diez. Después, simplemente han dicho que es por el interés general y que se trata de desarrollo sostenible. Son palabras fáciles de pronunciar pero eso nadie se lo ha creído, claro. No podía ser de otra manera, nos hemos opuesto con toda la contundencia que la ciudadanía puede expresar: concentración espontánea el día de la aprobación de loa PAI, manifestación con 2.000 personas, caminatas reivindicativas, charlas, proyección de documentales, participación en otras manifestaciones más generales, presentación de 1.700 firmas a la Síndica de Greuges, otras tantas al Defensor del Pueblo, 3.390 al Parlamento Europeo, 528 más alegando al concierto previo, todas de gente mayor de edad del pueblo o con propiedades en él, hemos presentado un contencioso-administrativo, hemos hecho un pasacalle por la sostenibilidad, etc. En toda nuestra historia, nunca habíamos estado tan activos como sociedad.

Poco a poco, nuestras quejas han tenido su repercusión y las instituciones van apoyándonos. Hoy en día la Síndica de Greuges nos ha dado la razón, desaconsejando la aprobación de los 3 PAI y riñendo a los concejales que votaron a favor. En cuanto a la justicia, ha aparecido la “Doctrina Parcent”, es decir, la suspensión cautelar de uno de los PAI por razones de desarrollo sostenible. Este auto judicial, pionero a nivel nacional, ha tenido una enorme trascendencia. Y por lo que respecta a Europa, el otro día viajamos a Bruselas y de 6 eurodiputados nos han apoyado 5. Es decir, que las cosas van por buen camino.

Pero el Ayuntamiento no nos ha hecho ni caso. Es por eso que vamos a pediros ya el primer regalo. Pero no es para nosotros. Es para los cuatro concejales del equipo de gobierno: un “Sonotone”. A ver si al fin nos escuchan, como es la obligación de los gobernantes.

Además, el Ayuntamiento nos ha acusado de actuar de mala fe, de ser maliciosos, manipuladores e incluso vándalos. No estaría de más que les trajeseis a cada uno de ellos un cepillo de dientes para limpiarse la boca de tantas falsedades. Por cierto, ellos sí que han mentido, manipulado y han actuado de manera maliciosa como se ha ido demostrando en estos meses. Por eso quisiéramos que dejarais en la “casa del pueblo” una máquina de la verdad y así la gente podría ver cuán exageradas serían las oscilaciones en el papel.

Tampoco estaría mal que les trajerais una paleta, un rastrillo y un cubo de playa; por ver si construyendo castillos en la arena se les pasa la irreprimible vena constructora que parecen tener. O si con eso pensáis que no es suficiente, también podéis traerles el famoso “Monopoly”, que en ese juego se pueden hacer casas y hoteles sin informes e incluso, hacerse ricos y arruinar a los demás, pero de manera virtual.

Pero sobre todo, lo que les tenéis que traer, es carbón. Montañas de carbón bien negro. Y nada del dulce. Tanto carbón como casas insostenibles quieren construir. Y por favor, no olvidéis a los promotores de los 3 PAI, que ellos tampoco demuestran tener ningún sentido moral ni ético. Sí, ya sabemos que son empresas y van a por la pela, pero no estaría de más que alguna vez aplicaran espíritu navideño a su manera de trabajar, como sí lo han evidenciado otros promotores del pueblo.

¿Y para nosotros? Nosotros nos conformamos con que los 3 PAI dejen de existir y que la población tenga un verdadero desarrollo sostenible. Todo así volverá a la normalidad. Y claro, traednos a todos leyes favorecedoras del interés general y no del particular.

Pero, por si las cosas han de ir paso a paso, queremos que la “Doctrina Parcent” sea pronto un auto firme, que se pronuncie el Defensor del Pueblo, que cuando vengan los eurodiputados escuchen la voz del pueblo y la de la naturaleza, que la alcaldesa no vuelva nunca más a ser alcaldesa, igual que todos aquellos que deciden mandar imponiendo. Y por si acaso, tráenos silbatos por si tenemos que salir de nuevo a la calle, porque mientras esto dure, no nos podemos confiar nada. Conservadnos, por favor, el espíritu crítico, de justicia y de interés general.

Ah, y para cada uno de los que han colaborado en nuestras protestas, traedles todo aquello que pidan, sobre todo a la gente del pueblo, porque Parcent se ha comportado de manera inmejorable y se lo merece todo.


Estimats Reis Màgics:

Enguany hem segut molt bons ciutadans. Sempre se’ns ha dit que cal rebel·lar-se contra les injustícies i fer-ho de manera constructiva, que la democràcia és participativa i que hi ha moltes maneres cíviques de participar. I així ho hem fet. Us ho expliquem. L’equip de govern del nostre consistori no sols va començar l’any imposant-nos 1.800 noves cases entre 3 PAI, si no que a més, va ampliar la barbaritat en el seu concert previ, el qual pretén multiplicar la població per deu. Després, simplement han dit que és per l’interés general i que es tracta de desenvolupament sostenible. Són paraules fàcils de pronunciar però això ningú s’ho ha cregut, clar. No podia ser d’altra manera, ens hem oposat amb tota la contundència que la ciutadania pot expressar: concentració espontània el dia de l’aprovació dels PAI, manifestació amb 2.000 persones, caminades reivindicatives, xerrades, projecció de documentals, participació en altres manifestacions més generals, presentació de 1.700 signatures a la Síndica de Greuges, altres tantes al Defensor del Pueblo, 3.390 al Parlament Europeu, 528 més al·legant al concert previ, totes de gent major d’edat del poble o amb propietats en ell, hem presentat un contenciós-administratiu, hem fet una cercavila per la sostenibilitat, etc. En tota la nostra història, mai havíem estat tan actius com a societat.

A poc a poc, les nostres queixes han tingut el seu ressò i les institucions van recolzant-nos. A hores d’ara la Síndica de Greuges ens ha donat la raó, desaconsellant l’aprovació dels 3 PAI i renyant als regidors que van votar a favor. Quant a la justícia, ha aparegut la “Doctrina Parcent”, és a dir, la suspensió cautelar d’un dels PAI per raons de desenvolupament sostenible. Aquest auto judicial, pioner a nivell nacional, ha tingut una enorme transcendència. I pel que fa a Europa, l’altre dia varem viatjar a Brussel·les i de 6 eurodiputats ens han recolzat 5. És a dir, que les coses van per bon camí.

Però l’Ajuntament no ens ha fet ni cas. És per això que anem a demanar-vos ja el primer regal. Però no és per a nosaltres. És per als quatre regidors de l’equip de govern: un “Sonotone”. A veure si a la fi ens escolten, com és l’obligació dels governants.

A més, l’Ajuntament ens ha acusat d’actuar de mala fe, de ser maliciosos, manipuladors i fins i tot vàndals. No estaria de més que els portareu a cadascun d’ells un raspall de dents per netejar-se la boca de tantes falsedats. Per cert, ells sí que han mentit, manipulat i han actuat de manera maliciosa, com s’ha anat demostrant en aquestos mesos. Per això voldríem que deixareu en la “casa del poble” una màquina de la veritat i així la gent podria veure com d’exagerades serien les oscil·lacions al paper.

Tampoc estaria malament que els duguereu una paleta, un rastrell i un poal de platja; per veure si construint castellets a la sorra se’ls passa la irreprimible vena constructora que semblen tindre. O si amb això penseu que no és prou, també podeu dur-los el famós “Monopoly”, que en eixe joc es poden fer cases i hotels sense informes i fins i tot, fer-se rics i arruïnar als demés, però de manera virtual.

Però sobretot, el que els heu de dur, és carbó. Muntanyes de carbó ben negre. I res del dolç. Tant de carbó com cases insostenibles volen construir. I per favor, no oblideu als promotors dels 3 PAI, que ells tampoc demostren tindre gens de sentit moral ni ètic. Sí, ja sabem que són empreses i van a per la pela, però no estaria de més que alguna vegada aplicaren esperit nadalenc a la seua manera de treballar, com sí ho han evidenciat altres promotors del poble.

I per a nosaltres? Nosaltres ens conformem amb que els 3 PAI deixen d’existir i que la població tinga un vertader desenvolupament sostenible. Tot així tornarà a la normalitat. I és clar, porteu-nos a tots lleis afavoridores de l’interés general i no del particular.

Però, per si les coses han d’anar a poc a poc, volem que la “Doctrina Parcent” siga prompte un auto ferm, que es pronuncie el Defensor del Pueblo, que quan vinguen els eurodiputats escolten la veu del poble i la de la natura, que l’alcaldessa no torne mai més a ser alcaldessa, igual que tots aquells que decideixen manar imposant. I per si de cas, dugueu-nos xiulets per si hem d’eixir de nou al carrer, perquè mentre açò dure, no ens podem confiar gens ni miqueta. Conserveu-nos, per favor, l’esperit crític, de justícia i d’interés general.

Ah, i per a cadascun dels que han col·laborat en les nostres protestes, porteu-los tot allò que demanen, sobretot a la gent del poble, perquè Parcent s’ha comportat de manera immillorable i s’ho mereix tot.

Thursday, January 04, 2007




Veins de Parcent with a copy of the Tribunal
ruling, in front of threatened mountainside.

VEINS DE PARCENT today received the
welcome news of the supsension
of the PAI 'El Repla'. This ruling was made
by the Superior Tribunal of Justice in
Valencia in response to the case brought
against the PAI by Veins de Parcent,
acting together with and under the name
of the Parcent opposition grouping
CDP (Democratic Coalition of Parcent).

The ruling duplicates the suspension ordered in
the case against the same PAI brought
by the residents group from the 'El Repla', the
now famous 'Doctrine of Parcent'
quoting the same arguments regarding
sustainable development.

We await the hearing of both cases,
for now secure that no building can go
ahead whilst the cases are before the
courts. We thank all the supporters of
Veins de Parcent who have contributed
financially to allow us to bring this case
and point out that donations are still
being gratefully received. (see details
on Veins de Parcent website, link on this


Even last winter about 2000
people came to the demo
--Look, Ismael, how they love
me in the village!
-- But, mayoress, it is against us
--Well, then, they are only "four

Just after spring
came, she sent
the local police to
prevent the
collection of
'Of course, they
are vandals.
They were
putting graffiti on
papers. ''

With the heat of summer, the mayoress
thought that she could be the Saviour
of Parcent. Much more miraculous
than multiplying the loaves and fishes,
was to multiply the population by 10.
'Who says the Draft Plan isn’t
sustainable? '

In the autumn, the
harvest began:
The Ombudsman agreed
with us over the 3 PAIs,
the Court handed down
the "Parcent Doctrine",
Europe supported us…..
--It’s all the same to me. I
have already told a
reporter quite clearly:
"I’m in charge here and
they do what I say".

Cartoons published in
Levante with the following

Alacant BALANCE URBANÍSTICOLas cuatro estaciones de Parcent Los vecinos reflejan en un cómic la lucha por frenar la ejecución de losplanes de las 1.800 casasA.G.A, ParcentUna mañana de invierno la alcaldesa de Parcent, MªCarmen López, se despertócon un buen presentimiento. No sabía porqué pero pensó que la historia delpueblo iba a cambiar. Más tarde sus amigos los constructores le hicieron unavisita y le informaron que a partir de ahora Parcent dejaría de ser un«poblucho» para convertirse en un gran municipio próspero y al que suspropios vecinos envidiarían. Los ciudadanos del próspero Parcent no tendríanmanos suficientes para contar los billetes pero a cambio tenían quehipotecar el tesoro más preciado del pueblo, sus montañas. MªCarmen no se lopensó dos veces. Prosperidad, dinero, envidiaÉ todas las propuestas legustaron y dijo: ¡Vamos allá!. Y allá fueron. El PP aprobó en solitario el30 de enero de 2006 la propuesta de los constructores. 1.800 casasdistribuidas en 2 millones de metros cuadrados en El Replà, La Solana y ElCantalar. Además, se dio cuenta de una propuesta de un nuevo concierto previo quepretende multiplicar nuestra población por 10. La lluvia y el frío noimpidió a más de 200 vecinos del pueblo estar en la calle protestando por laaprobación de los 3 PAI. Este fue el principio de Veïns de Parcent. Poco antes de la llegada de la primavera, el pueblo de 1.000 habitantesestaba ya más que dividido. Los que sí querían el desarrollo urbanístico delpueblo y los que «engañados» según MªCarmen, eran seguidores de Veïns deParcent. Engañados o no 2.000 personas acudieron a la manifestación encontra de las 1.800 casas. No contenta con los gritos de los «cuatro gatos»,Mª Carmen, decidió enviar a la plaza del pueblo a la Policía Local paraevitar que el colectivo recogiese firmas en contra del desarrollo de losPAI. Veïns de Parcent consigue enviar casi 3.400 firmas al Síndic de Greugesy 3.390 peticiones al Parlamento Europeo. Llegado el verano la cosa se tranquiliza. Cuando uno está de vacaciones losánimos se apaciguan. Precisamente por esta razón la alcaldesa, convencida deque el concierto previo es sostenible aunque multiplique la población por10, decretó su exposición pública para que se publicase en el DOGV enagosto. Afortunadamente para unos y desgraciadamente para otros supublicación se retrasó y las alegaciones se pudieron presentar enseptiembre. Mientras tanto un recurso de Veïns de Parcent contra elconsistorio es admitido por el Tribunal Superior de Justicia. Los días cortos y la caída de las hojas comenzaron con la llegada del otoño.La situación seguía igual aunque los ánimos estaban muy caldeados. MªCarmenparecía más segura que nunca en el pleno de principios de mes de octubre. Laoposición decide abandonar la sesión y Veïns de Parcent se solidariza conellos. Pudo ser el abandono de los contrarios y el apoyo de los favorablespresentes en la sala lo que motivó en MªCarmen un ansia de poder un poco máselevada de los normal llegando a propasar los límites democráticos. Laprimera edil de Parcent «invitó» a un periodista a salir de la sala paraevitar que la opinión pública no se enterase de las cosas que allí iban aacontecer. Los ciudadanos que habitaron el pueblo en el pasado jamás hubiesen llegado apensar que Parcent llegaría algún día a ser noticia en los medios decomunicación nacionales. Once meses después de la aprobación de las 1.800casas se produce un hecho sin precedentes y Parcent es el protagonista. ElTSJ, a través de la demanda de Veïns de Parcent, ordena la suspensióncautelar del PAI «El Replà» por considerarlo insostenible y por haber sidoaprobado careciendo el pueblo de una PGOU. La «promoción» que hicieron los medios nacionales de Parcent seguro queatrajo la atención del Parlamento Europeo. Deciden coordinar una reunión conel comisario de medio ambiente y también viajar al pueblo para estudiar másde cerca el problema. Llega de nuevo el frío del invierno. A punto de cumplirse un año de laaprobación del proyecto más polémico del municipio nadie sabe lo que pasará.Lo que si está claro es que Parcent nunca volverá a ser el mismo.

One morning in winter the mayoress of Parcent, Mari Carmen López, woke up with a good feeling. She didn't know why, but she thought that the history of the village was about to change. Later on her friends the constructors came to visit and told her that from now on Parcent would stop being a mere hamlet and become a great and prosperous town and that their very neighbours would envy it. The citizens of this prosperous Parcent would not have hands enough to count their money, but in exchange they would have to mortgage the most precious treasure of the village – it's mountains. Mari Carmen didn't think twice. Prosperity, money, envy – all their proposals pleased her and she said "Let's go!". And off they went. The PP approved the constructors' proposal on their own on 30th January of 2006. 1800 houses distributed over 2 million square metres in El Repla, La Solana and El Cantalar.

At the same time, the people realised that there was a proposal for a new draft plan that intended to multiply the population by 10. The rain and the cold didn't stop more than 200 villagers from protesting in the street against the approval of the 3 PAIs. This was the start of "Veīns de Parcent".

Shortly before spring came, the village of 1000 inhabitants was even more divided. Those who wanted the urban development of the village and those, "deceived" according to Mari Carmen, who were followers of Veīns de Parcent. Deceived or not, 2000 people came to the demonstration against the 1800 houses. Not happy with the cries of the "four cats", Mari Carmen decided to send the Local Police to the square to stop the group from collecting signatures against the development of the PAIs. However, Veīns de Parcent managed to send nearly 3400 signatures to the Valencian ombudsman and 3390 to the European Parilament.

With the arrival of summer, things quietened down. When one is on holiday, ones nerves are calmer. Precisely for this reason the mayoress, convinced that the draft plan was sustainable even though it would multiply the population by 10, decreed its public exhibition so that it could be published in the DOGV in August. Luckily for some and unluckily for others, the publication was delayed and complaints were presented against it in September. At the same time, a case by the Veīns de Parcent against the town hall was presented to the High Court in Valencia.

Shorter days and falling leaves revealed the beginning of autumn. The situation continued the same though there was still a lot of bad feelings around. Mari Carmen appeared ever more sure of herself at the council meeting at the beginning of October. The opposition decided to abandon the room and Veīns de Parcent also, in support. Maybe it was this departure by those against her, and the support of those in favour who remained that brought on Mari Carmen's sense of power over and above the normal, even to going beyond democratic limits. The mayoress of Parcent "invited" a reporter to leave the room to prevent the public from knowing what was about to happen there.

The citizens who lived in the village in the past would never have dreamt that Parcent would, one day, be front page news in the national media. Eleven months after the approval of the 1800 houses, something happened that was without precedent and Parcent was the protagonist. The High Court of Valencia, through the case brought by the Veīns de Parcent, ordered the preventative suspension of the El Repla PAI because they considered it unsustainable and because it had been approved without the village having a General Plan. The "promotion" that the national press made of Parcent without doubt attracted the attention of the European Parliament. They decided to co-ordinate a meeting with the Commissioner for the Environment and also to travel to the village to study the problems at close hand.

The cold of winter arrived again. Nearly one year after the approval of the most polemic project ever in the municipality, nobody knows what will happen. What is very clear is that Parcent will never be the same again.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006



Members of Veïns de Parcent travelled
to Brussels on 28.11.2006 to present
our petition to the European Parliament.
We were invited to speak on behalf of
the 3390 petitioners who had backed
the petition to the Parliament presented
in April this year.

After presenting our case
the Mayoress of Parcent was invited to
speak, followed by the response from
representatives of the Environment
Commission and the Commission dealing
with Internal Market.
A number of Euro MPs then spoke in the debate,
including Joan Calabuig (Spanish PSOE),
Neil Parish (UK Conservative), Michael
Cashman (UK Labour), Sir Robert Atkin
(UK Conservative) and Ines Ayala (Spanish
PSOE). All the above mentioned MEPs
argued that the petition continue to be investigated,
with only the PP MEP from Spain speaking
against. Amongst the contributions were
comments from Neil Parish that the petition
be dealt with before the bulldozers arrived
and questions from Sir Robert Atkins to
the Mayoress of Parcent asking if it were
indeed true that she sent the police to stop
people signing the petition, a serious act
(detailed previously in this blog), and if it
were also true that the Counciller for urban
planning who voted for the PAIs was related
to the major property owner of the largest of
the three PAIs and at the time of the vote
also an agent acting for the developer.

Michael Cashman proposed that in addition to
keeping the petition open the Committee
seek an urgent meeting with the Environment
Commission to discuss the impact of such
plans on the Environment and why petitions
such as ours are not responded to with more
urgency. This meeting was agreed to by the
Chairman Mr Martin Libinski. Michael Cashman
further proposed that Parcent be included in
a fact finding mission to Alicante and Valencia
so the Euro MPs can see for themselves the
impact such developments will have on the area
and to further study the arguments put forward
in our petition. This visit was agreed to and
Veins de Parcent have now received written
confirmation that this visit will take place.

We want to thank all those who have supported us
in bringing our petition to the European Parliament
and the MEPs and staff in the Parliament who
spoke in our favour and continue to help us to
ensure that Parcent Town Hall and the developers
will be unable to proceed with developments that
break European law.